In this era of modernization wearable technologies have existed for centuries and are continuing to gain popularity around the world. In recent times, modern wearable technology that exists today is integrated with a microprocessor and an internet connection (Kenton, 2019). Wearable devices are now mostly hands-free gadgets that have many practical uses on a daily basis. For example, by being worn on the wrist, an Apple Watches can provide a clean user interface and features that are essential for an everyday user (Grothaus, 2020). The brain of these technologies is a microprocessor that is embedded in the device to help send and receive data simultaneously through an internet connection (Kenton, 2019).

Pros of Wearable Technology

Wearable Technology can be used by people in their daily lives in many ways. Google Glass is useful because the device lets people who are staying home, going out, or working in an office, working out in a gym, to all have access to updates in real life (Leung, 2014). The technology can be used to access emails and get notifications, so users never miss a message or call and easily view important mails instantly without using a laptop or mobile phone (Stern, 2013). Furthermore, Google Glass allows users to take quick notes through applications such as Evernote to provide the ease of reviewing and remembering things easily that have been noted down via the tool and stored in its data base (Martin, 2014). Web issues can be easily troubleshooted by fixing a car with the help of Google Glass. For instance, allowing real-time view sharing of what the user is viewing that lets the software engineer and the mechanic to view and understand the exact issue better (Martin, 2014). Users also have electro cardiology (ECG) at their fingertips to utilise whenever they want to which leads to providing health benefits and helps people stay fit (Phaneuf, 2020). In this sense, having access to health information through wearable devices can aid people to help them become healthier.

Cons of Wearable Technology

With wearable devices like Google Glass, there are some cons that need to be analysed. There are many social issues that are prominent for users when they use a technology such as Google Glass. The issues include how the devices can be easily stolen and the personal information of users can be misused which evidently impacts the physical security of the person (Habibipour, 2019). Thus, there are many social issues associated with the Google Glass and this could be one of the reasons why the technology was deemed unfit to use. Ethical issues are the most important in IT and should not be overlooked. For instance, privacy is a major setback of wearable technologies such as the Google Glass (Anaya, 2017). Devices like the Google Glass have a lot of sensors that gather a vast amount of data such as credit card numbers and health information that is at the easy disposal of hackers who can later misuse it by blackmailing others (Anaya, 2017). Even if devices generally benefit the society, they can be costly to both manufacturers and consumers. In this case, many consumers are unable to afford these technologies because they are so expensive (Natural HR, 2017). In terms of the manufacturers, almost all wearables need larger platform to work. For example, a mobile phone or any other hardware device is needed for wearable technology to work properly (Natural HR, 2017).


Wearable Technologies are one of the most important innovations of present time. The benefits and uses of Wearable technology are far greater than the cons and negative impacts of it. Research shows that multi-tasking and staying up to date with information via these wearable computing devices has saved time and increased efficiency of work. As the landscape of wearable technology is increasing, there are more opportunities to make better designs that are more convenient to use. However, researchers should put in more features that will protect the privacy of the buyer and make the device more attractive to them. Overall, further research is needed in the development to help minimise the cons and maximise the pros at an affordable price for the consumer to benefit the society in the future.

Author's Name: Ayan Ahmad
Student ID: s329918
Course: HIT164 Computing Fundamentals